Anka Bosanac
Anka used to write during her teenage and university years. She stopped writing when her focus shifted to her children, family and later, a move to New Zealand.
“The Signature” (original title: “Potpis”) is the first story from her future collection titled “My Heart Knows Only Love” (original title: “Moje srce pozna samo ljubav”).
Here, the word love has a universal meaning, rather than referring exclusively to the romantic variety.
Anka’s work is featured in multi-author book “Stories Hidden in a Small Grain of Sand” (original title: “Priče skrivene u zrncu pijeska”).
She writes in Croatian and English. Her writing is inspired by real situations and events that left a lasting impression on her or her family.
Her family is the most important thing to Anka; she enjoys helping her daughters and grandchildren weather the challenges of life by sharing her rich life experience.
Anka loves nature, reading, dancing, music, playing soccer, gardening and she adores animals - cats and horses in particular.
Anka is a qualified Reiki Master Teacher who teaches internationally how to consciously work with energy.
She also helps people identify their talents, providing related insights (Colour Profiling) and guidance on using those talents to live a life of purpose and creative expression.
Anka enjoys creating and preparing delicious vegetarian food (her family and friends enjoy the results of her work!), reciting poetry, decorating her home and everything that brings beauty into people’s lives.
Anka lives with her husband Ljubomir and their cat Mirta in Premantura, Croatia, where she moved from Auckland, New Zealand. Anka and her husband are partners in metaphysical, creative and inspirational pursuits.
Anka used to write during her teenage and university years. She stopped writing when her focus shifted to her children, family and later, a move to New Zealand.
“The Signature” (original title: “Potpis”) is the first story from her future collection titled “My Heart Knows Only Love” (original title: “Moje srce pozna samo ljubav”).
Here, the word love has a universal meaning, rather than referring exclusively to the romantic...
Sample Book 1
Web stranica u izradi. Uskoro će biti kompletirana. / Web page in progress. Will be ready soon!
HR: Vaša pitanja i dobronamjerni prijedlozi su dobrodošli. Molim da mi date dan, dva vremena za odgovor. Hvala puno💐
EN: Your questions and well meant suggestions are welcome. Please allow a day or two for my answer. Thank you very much💐